Mount Kenya, 2004
Mount Kenya, 2004
Our mission is to transform impoverished children into educated students by giving them a “fair start” in education in order to transition successfully to succeed in academic subjects in the Kenyan school curriculum in government schools.
We strive to provide for a portion of the Wamba Community’s most vulnerable/orphaned children including those too old or too young to attend private or church run Nursery schools, as well as youths unable to attend secondary school or without a job.
We strive to ensure a
FAIR START for the most vulnerable and impoverished
children of Wamba.
Pre-primary classes and daily meals are provided to all our students for free.
Monitoring the children's health and nutrition is key to survival.
To this day the situation of the most vulnerable community of Wamba has evolved in better thanks to the kind support of our friends and family.
In the Calleri ECDC
we currently count 155 children aged 2-7 divided in two classes, a daycare and a large playground.
By choosing to support a cause via our donating button will ensure a better life to many people.
Puti and Seba are part of this adventure, they accompany us in every step of the way and we are deeply thankful to you all for helping us keeping their memory alive!